
Try this (modifing up as you please):

open (INPUT,  "input.txt" ) or die "Can't open: $!";
open (OUTPUT, "output.txt") or die "Can't open: $!";

my %data;
my $state = 0;

while (<INPUT>) {
    $data{$state++} = $_ if $state == 0;
    $data{$state++} = $_ if $state == 1;
    $data{$state++} = $_ if $state == 2;

    if ($state == 3) {
        print OUTPUT "definition1   $data{0}\n";
        print OUTPUT "definition2\n";
        print OUTPUT "definition3\n";
        print OUTPUT "definition4:$data{1}\n\n";

        # Reset state
        $state = 0;

close (INPUT ) or die "Can't close: $!";
close (OUTPUT) or die "Can't close: $!";


There is obviously many ways of doing this, with various
levels of reliability and readability... I guess someone is
going to do the regex now... :)

This *should* work, and is clean enough looking for a
beginner to understand - maybe.

Jonathan Paton

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