
Is there a better way to solve this?


I have set up a web site for a government big contractor, it currently
works fine.

The only problem is that WEB server has been configured to allows access to
site based on a range of IP address.  If a new organization subscribes to
this site
(flat fee, unlimited access only), their IP range is made known to the web
server (the Sys Admin's job).

So my initial solution was for the Sys Admin to log  IP address of all hits
were not allowed by the server, then include these in his WEB servers list
allowed IPs.  The Sys Admin wants to include a range of IP's only (of
course why not?).

So I said fine. I wrote a script that takes this IP address, queries
and then returns the range.

Now I will like to find out if there is a way to do what I have just

Any help will be very much appreciated.

Thank you,

William Ampeh (x3939)
Federal Reserve Board

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