I have a very beginner's question.  I've just been looking at the code for a
library file and noticed some, to me, very peculiar things.  First, there is
text that is not commented, it is just typed in place.  Why does this not
interfere with the script?  Second, there are expressions like "=pod" and
"=cut" and "=head1".  What do these mean?  Third, there is a "1;" at the
very end of the file.  I've seen that before, but what is the purpose?
Fourth, there is text like "I<delete_cookie> blah blah" and "B<MUST>" (I
assume that this last is a comment on text decoration).  Can anyone tell me
what these mean?  Is there a difference in a library file and a regular
script file that allows for this?   Is there some tutorial or documentation
about the differences in writing a library/module versus a normal script

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