The only downside to this method is that an errant Perl Window can linger
around long after you think it's been closed (i.e. it won't show anywhere
expect under Task Manager).

I prefer making a copy of perl.exe (in C:\Perl\bin) and call it something
like perlw.exe. Then register perlw.exe as a Windows app, instead of a DOS

My Windows perl scripts get an extention of .plw which gets associated with

Russell J Foster
Subject, Wills, & Company
v. 630-572-0240

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Morbus Iff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 11:01 AM
> To: Agustin Rivera; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: Win32::GUI - Getting rid of console Window?
>  >Is there anyway to get a Win3::GUI app to not display the 
> DOS console when  >running, so it runs just like any other GUI app?
> Yuppers.
>     use Win32::GUI;
>     # hwnd is a handle to a window - basically, window's
>     # way of keeping track of it's program windows...
>     $hwnd = GUI::GetPerlWindow();
>     # comment this to see error messages in a dos window
>     # otherwise, this will hide the blasted thing...
>     GUI::Hide($hwnd);
> --
> Morbus Iff ( softcore vulcan pr0n rulezzzzz ) 
> && > please 
> me: 
> icq: 2927491 / aim: akaMorbus / yahoo: morbus_iff / morbus
> -- 
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