
> Unless otherwise directed, fill in the blank.
> ======================================================================
>                | Sigils and data types |
> ======================================================================
> Sigil Variable type
> =====   =============
>   $     _____________scalar
>   @     _____________array
>   %     _____________hash
>   &     _____________not sure
>   *     _____________typeglob
> ======================================================================
>                  | Special variables |
> ======================================================================
> Briefly describe (less than 10 words) the use of these variables.
> $0    holds name of program
> $1, $2, $3... value of each () in last lexical regex
> @ARGV array containing command line arguments to program
> $ARGV current file if using <> to parse argv
> $_ default var
> @_ default array (in a sub)
> $! last error
> %ENV configuration and stuff
> ======================================================================
>                        | Quotes |
> ======================================================================

I'm not sure what to do here...

> Syntactic
> Sugar       Meaning                         Generic Interpolates
> ================================================================
>  ____       Literal                         q//             No
>  ____       Literal                         qq/        Yes
>  ____       External command execution      qx//       Yes
>             Word list generation            qw//            No
>             RE match                        m//        Yes
>             RE substitution                 s///       Yes
>             Character translation           tr///           No
>             RE quote                        qr//       Yes
> ======================================================================
>                    | open operator |
> ======================================================================
> Here is a Perl common idiom that requires a sucessful file
> handle creation before continuing.
>     open PW, "/etc/passwd" 
>       or die "Cannot open password file: $!";
> Briefly (less than 5 words) describe its parts.
>     1. open 

calls function open
>     2. PW 

filehandle 'PW'
>     3. "/etc/passwd"


>     4. die

exit on error

>     5. $!

error message to output

> ================
> # Open file for input.
> $data_file =  "sales.ca";
> open DATA, "<$data_file________________"  or die "Cannot open input file: $!";
> # Open file for output (truncate).
> $out_file = "commisions.ca";
> open OUT, ">$out_file________________"  or die "Cannot open output file: $!";
> # Open file for output (append).
> $log_file =   "status.log";
> open LOG, ">$log_file________________"  or die "Cannot open log file: $!";


> # Open pipe for input to Perl.
> $ps_cmd =  "ps -au | grep msrw";
> open PS, "dono..________________"  or die "Cannot open status pipe: $!";

> # Open pipe for output from Perl.
> $lp_cmd = "nl | pr -l60 -h'my report' | lp -d pr1";
> open LP, "dono...________________"  or die "Cannot open printer pipe: $!";
> ======================================================================
>                   | binary operators |
> ======================================================================
> operator                    string  numeric
> ===========================================
> equal to                     eq____ =   _____
> not equal to               ne____   != _____
> less than                  lt____   < _____
> greater than              gt ____   > _____
> less than or equal to     ?? ____   <= _____
> greater than or equal to    ?? ____   >= _____
> comparison                   cmp____   <=> _____
> ======================================================================
>                        | truth |
> ======================================================================
> Any value that is not false is true.  What 3 values indicate
> false?
> numeric -- 0
> string  -- ''
> other   -- undef
> ======================================================================
>                  | shell interaction |
> ======================================================================
> Perl from shell
> 1. How is a perl program invoked from a shell (e.g. ksh, sh, bash)?
> call it like an executable
> Shell from Perl
> `/bin/sh`
> 1. What *quotes* are used to invoke a shell (or other executable) from
>    Perl, collecting its STDOUT?
> ``
> 2. What *operator* is used to invoke a shell (or other executable)
>    from Perl, using the same STDOUT as Perl?
> fork?
> ======================================================================
>                            | hygeine |
> ======================================================================
> 1.  How do you specify the -w flag inside a Perl file?
> use warnings;
> ======================================================================
>                   | Array iteration |
> ======================================================================
> This code illustrates a c-style loop, using $i as an index variable.
> my $i;
> my @language = qw(Perl C VisualBasic KornShell FORTH);
> for ($i = 0; $i < @language; $i++) {
>   my $lang = $language[$i];
>   print "I can program in $lang.\n";
> }
> Create a similar loop without using $i, in a more Perlish style. 

 > my @language = qw(Perl VisualBasic KornShell FORTH);

> foreach my $lang ( @language ) {
>   print "I can program in $lang.\n";
> }
> ======================================================================
>                    | Hash iteration |
> ======================================================================
> %aphorism = (
>       roses   => red,
>       violets => purple,
>       sugar   => "sweet, like maple syrple"
> );
> Fill in the missing pieces to iterate over the hash.  
>  ==> The first blank will set $key to each of the keys of the hash
> (e.g. roses, violets, sugar).
>  ==> The second blank will set $value appropriately.
> foreach my $key ( keys (%aphorism) ) {
>     my $value = $aphorism{$key};
>     print "$key...$value\n";
> }
> ======================================================================
>                | command line arguments |
> ======================================================================
> What do the following command line arguments mean?
>  -w warning
>  -e one-liner
>  -i causes <> to direct output to the origional file
>  -p -n use the loop while (<>) {

} around your script, p has a continue, n dosen't

> ======================================================================
>                      | operators |
> ======================================================================
> Name that Perl operator:
>     open________      open a file or pipe creating a filehandle
>     close________     close a filehandle
>     chomp________     chomp the trailing newline from a scalar string

that one was a bit obvious

>     $#arry________    determine the length (element count) of an array
>     read()________    read (scalar or list) from a filehandle
>     push________      add scalar(s) to right side (high index) end of array
>     pop________       remove scalar(s) to right side (high index) end of array
>     unshift________   add scalar(s) to left side (low index) end of array
>     shift________     remove scalar(s) to left side (low index) end of array
>     reverse()________ reverse a list
>     sort()________    sort a list
>     keys()________    extract a list of hash keys

this was covered in a previous question

>     values()________  extract a list of hash values
>     delete $hash{$key}________        delete an element from a hash
>     print________     print to a filehandle (STDOUT by default)
>     printf________    print a formatted string to a filehandle (STDOUT by default)
>    split('RE', $string) ________      split a string at RE into a list
>     substr??________  join a list with a string into a string
>     warn()________    warn user with message to STDERR
>     die________       exit after warning user with message to STDERR
>     return________    return from a subroutine or eval block
>     system________    call the system
> ======================================================================
>                 | Regular Expressions |
> ======================================================================
> Supply the repetition quantifier for these convenience quantifiers:
>     *    {1,___}
>     +    {0__,___}
>     ?    {0__,1__}
> Briefly describe (less than 5 words) these flags
>     /i ignore case
>     /g repeat
>     /x prety-printed regex
>     /o compile once
> /====================================================================\
> | \ /    \ /    \ /    \ /    \ /    \ /    \ /    \ /    \ /    \ / |
> |==V==  ==V==  ==V==  ==V==  ==V==  ==V==  ==V==  ==V==  ==V==  ==V==|
> | / \    / \    / \    / \    / \    / \    / \    / \    / \    / \ |
> \====================================================================/

I'm just a little above intro to perl, but I still have a few million 
things to learn.

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