Timothy B wrote:

"Hello out there - I have learned a lot of Perl today, but I am still 
to figure one more thing out.
How can I go through a file and extract all the text between certain
delimiters - for example I have:
Bilbo, "Why I like rings" Freemont Press, 1998.
Frodo, "Why I don't" Bridgedale Freemans, 1832
I want to get:
Why I like rings
Why I don't
It seems like there should be a real quick way to do this. . . thoughts?


You could look at the page and see what the phrases have in common, then 
make a regex delimiter to extract them. see below:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

my $bilbo = "Bilbo,\"Why I like rings\" Freemont Press, 1998,";
my $frodo = "Frodo, \"Why I don't\" Bridgedale Freemans, 183";
my @array=($bilbo,$frodo);
#I want to get:
#Why I like rings
#Why I don't
(/(".*")/) ? print $1 . "\n" : print "not your string\n";

In the above example i had to escape the quotes to use them. If you have 
a whole plain text file of you can just use the open(FILE, "myHobit") || 
die "$!";  then use a similar search. Have fun.


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