Okay... this one is way out there...and I can't find answers in the docs for
this one.

I currently am working on a script for use on NT4 and SunOS, (windows and
now I thought that the following code would work... but no.

if ($^O =~ /^(ms)?(win|dos)(32|nt)?$/i){
        use lib "N:/njancesk/perllib";
        use Win32::Process;
        use Win32::Event 1.00 qw(wait_any);

        } else {
        use lib "/u/njancesk/perllib";


This is the error on UNIX:
Can't locate Win32/Process.pm in @INC ...

I want to use the Win32 modules only if it's run on an NT OS, but I do not
need them if it's on UNIX,
I am using the modules on NT to spawn processes. 

So how can I tell perl (use this module if OS is NT else use nothing)?

Nikola Janceski
Summit Systems, Inc.

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