The following code works great to put the text onto the screen:

#* Add the Summary Textbox
my $t = $f->Text(
     -width  => 65,
     -height => 4,
     -wrap   => 'word'
)->pack(%packinfo, -pady => 5, -padx => 2);

And later, when I am writing it out, I get the data via:

     #* Get the text from the Text box
     my $text = $summaryT->get("1.0", "end");

     #* Print the text from the Text box.
     $text = wrap($spacing,$spacing, $text);

Thee problem is, I must hit the Enter key, in the Text box to actually 
have the output formatted with CrLfs, even though it is set to wrap.

This would normally be ok, but I am putting the text into an ascii file.
If I do not hit the Enter, inside the text box, it will all be on one line.

I am looking for a way that I do not have to hit Enter, inside the Text 
box in order for it to wrap inside the file, when I get it and print it out.

Any ideas?


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