Try removing all cookies you have in your browser and set it to ask for
allowing cookies, then you'll really see if there are any cookies


Tanton Gibbs wrote:
> Ok, I'm having a problem downloading a .zip file from a webpage.  If I type
> in the filename in the browser URL textbox I get redirected to the main
> site.  I can navigate through the main site and get to the same web page I
> typed in and then download the file, but I cannot go directly there.  This
> causes a problem with LWP::UserAgent as it gets redirected to the main site
> and cannot download the file.  I have no idea why I can navigate to it, but
> cannot download directly.  I thought it might have something to do with
> cookies, so I added a cookie jar to UserAgent but to no avail.  Does anyone
> know why I am getting redirected and what I can do in perl to prevent my
> UserAgent from getting redirected?
> Thanks!
> Tanton
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