Hi all, I'm trying to figure this out, I'd appreciate any help.

I have an application that I am using a perl script to do pattern matching
and then execute commands specific to that application.  I need a way to
handle an error in my script if one of the `cmd blah`; doesn't work and send
it to an error subroutine.

Here's what I have now:

sub subscription

  #add error routine to handle if PR/PM doesn't exist -pass to
   `wsub \@ProfileManager:Staging \@Endpoint:$passed_ep`;
   `wln \@Endpoint:$passed_ep \@PolicyRegion:$passed_pr\.$passed_org`;
   `wsub \@ProfileManager:$passed_sub\.$passed_org\.$passed_plat\.ep
   # on error pass ($ep,$pr,$sub,$org,$plat)

sub exception_sub
  `wsub \@ProfileManager:Exceptions \@Endpoint:$passed_ep`;
  print AFTERLOG "$passed_ep cannot go to $passed_org - Check PR

I tried:

`wsub \@ProfileManager:Staging \@Endpoint:$passed_ep` ||

but that didn't work.

-Paul Farley

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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