In my humble opinion, it doesn't make sense to break up the script that 
generates the form and the one that validates it.  Its hard enough to 
maintain an application without having to worry about two scripts in two 
different languages for something as simple as presenting and validating 
a form.

You have access to all the form validation you should need using PHP. 
 PHP supports both POSIX and Perl style regular expressions.  You can 
find information about regular expressions in PHP at

If you are simply looking for an excuse to bring perl into a project, 
then you should consider rewriting your form with perl, unless you have 
some grudge against the poor soul who will have to maintain the code.  ;-)

- Johnathan

Joyce Harris wrote:

> I have a php form and I need to do some data validation either before 
> inserting data into the database or comparing data in a textfield to 
> data in the database. It seems like the easiest way to do this is 
> using perl. How do you call a perl script from a php script.
> Thanks,
> Joyce

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