If there is only one of the lines |GRP| this will work. Otherwise I would
push the lines into a an array instead of a variable.

@Out = `$Cmd`;
$WhatFollowsGRP = "";

foreach my $line (@Out)
        if($line =~ /|GRP|/)
                $line =~ s/|GRP|//;
                $WhatFollowsGRP = $line;
        }# end if
}# end foreach loop

Daryl J. Hoyt
Performance Engineer
Geodesic Systems

-----Original Message-----
From: Busse, Rich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 8:35 AM
To: Perl Beginners
Subject: Reg Exp help

I am capturing the output of a command in a string:

        $Out = `$Cmd` ;

The output always looks like:

List of Templates and Template Groups assigned to 'somenode.us.dnb.com':
Operation successfully completed.

It's always on 5 separate lines. How do I extract what follows |GRP| on the
third line to a variable? TIA...

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