-----Original Message-----
From: bob ackerman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2002 11:32 AM
To: richard noel fell
Subject: Re: pattern matching question

On Thursday, February 28, 2002, at 08:37  AM, richard noel fell wrote:

> while (defined($Line=<In2>)){
>   if($Line=~/(\(D\d+\))\s*(\w*)/){
> print "==> $2\n";
> };
> };

disclaimer: i am a rank newbot
if i replace '/w*' with '.*$'
i get desired text.
looks like \w* doesn't do what we expect.
problems with \t in lines?
I'm also new to Perl, so I won't correct your typo, but I will point out a
problem in your statement: "looks like \w* doesn't do what we expect."  I'm
not sure who "we" is, but this does exactly what is expected.  '\w*' matches
zero or more word characters.  The problem with the match is that the white
space in the lines was followed by non-word characters ('-' and '/').  A
word character is any letter, number, or underscore.  Your match with '.*'
works because that matches zero or more of ANY character.
As for the question: "problems with \t in lines?", that should not make any
difference to the match, because '\s*' would match the tabs, as tabs are
considered whitespace characters.




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