"John W. Krahn" wrote:
> Jon Molin wrote:
> >
> > Jan Gruber wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi, Jon && list !
> > > On Friday 01 March 2002 11:29 am, you wrote:
> > > > Hi list!
> > > >
> > > > I've always thought there's a difference between for and foreach, that
> > > > for uses copies and foreach not. But there's no diff is there?
> > >
> > > AFAIK there's not really a difference between these two.
> > >
> > > It merely depends on your preferences, readable/maintanable code vs
> > > quick && dirty.
> >
> > if there's no difference, what's the point of having both? I can't see
> > how readable/maintanable would increase by adding functions with the
> > same name, it'd rather increase the confusion...
> >
> > is there really no diff?
> FWIW Perl1 didn't have foreach, it was added in Perl2.  From the Perl2
> Changes file:
> New iterator for normal arrays, foreach, that allows both read and
> write:

But if there's no difference why was it added? I understand 'TMTOWTDI'
and i agree that there should be, but adding aliases isn't adding ways
to do things, just other ways to spell them :) 

adding whiletrue as an alias to while wouldn't add anything but

So i take it, from start there was a difference but what could be done
in foreach was added to for and foreach was made n alias, or? 

Im sorry if you people see this as spam and/or offtopic, it's just that
i feel as if i've lost my dear friend foreach, as the only difference
from for is four letters and i can't see no point in using it except for
backwards compatiblity.


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