norishaam wrote:
> Hi,
>         I've been trying to figure out the above, maybe someone has some
> experience...Below is the scenario:-
> 1. I have an executable, update.exe, that can run locally to update the
> service pack.
> 2. I am trying to write a perl script to have this update.exe to run on
> multiple remote machines, excuting it from my machine.
> 3. There isn't any option for this update.exe that allows it to run on
> remote machines that I specified.
> 4. Is there any perl module, or perl way that I can get this done.
> Appreciate any response from the gurus out there. Lotsa thanx in advance.

I don't know windows really but the way i'd do it in *nix would be by
ssh, and there are ssh servers for windows too, aren't there?
You could either use the ssh module or just use ssh from shell


>            \|||/
>              (o o)
> ----ooO-(_)-Ooo--------
> Norishaam Adam
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