On Mon, 4 Mar 2002, Dave Adams wrote:

> I have a problem which I would like to use perl to resolve, however I'm not
> sure if it is possible to do.
> I need to scan a file and check some conditions, first if field 9 is
> duplicated on 1 or more rows, then I need to check field 10 to see which is
> the greater value and then only print the whole row where field 10 is the
> greater, if field 9 is not a duplicate then print the whole row.
> An example of the data is below.
> 28525|U2|4CY0|50|6775.15|2002-02-07|10461|321.43|102040724|102040773|
> 28526|U2|4CY0|25|3571.78|2002-02-07|6107|167.74|102040774|102040798|
> 28527|U2|4CY0|50|6930.3|2002-02-07|11376|324.12|102040774|102040823|
> 28528|U2|4CY0|25|4640.28|2002-02-07|4800|217.43|102040824|102040848|
> 28529|U2|4CY0|50|8432.05|2002-02-07|9023|392.03|102040824|102040873|

Of course this can be done with Perl, although the algorithm will take
some thinking through.  You should be able to read these rows into an
array (using split, et al).

However, this will be much easier if you can get this into a real
database system so you can use DBI.  In fact, a text file like this can
even be used with DBI -- take a look at DBD:CSV.  It lets you create and
manipulate tables via SQL, which would make your problem much simpler
(although DBD::CSV may have problems enforcing unique constraints).
Otherwise, if you have a good bit of data to deal with, take a look at a
database system like PostgreSQL, which can easily handle the logic you are
trying to implement.

-- Brett
To do nothing is to be nothing.

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