Where can I learn HEREDOC syntax? Do you Know any URL?

Thank you.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jenda Krynicky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2002 11:40 AM
Subject: Re: How I can execute Javascript into Perl?

> From: "Luis Guillot" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > I don't know how I can execute an event of Javascript into a link in a
> > program in Perl. This event of JavaScript have executed a function
> > that return a HTML page. Anybody know how I can it?
> >
> > Is it possible do it this?:
> > $datos=$datos."<a href='" . $me .
> > "?C=OFERTAS2&EMPRESA=".$empresa_param."&NREF=".$nref."'
> > onMouseOver=\"linkFTecnica(nref2)\">";
> >
> > What is bad in this code?
> It's terribly unreadable. Please read on doublequotes and quotelike
operators. Or even learn the HEREDOC syntax:
> $datos = $datos
> . qq{<a href='$me?C=OFERTAS2&EMPRESA=$empresa_param&NREF=$nref'
> onMouseOver="linkFTecnica(nref2)">};
> or
> $datos = $datos . <<"*END*";
> <a href='$me?C=OFERTAS2&EMPRESA=$empresa_param&NREF=$nref'
> onMouseOver="linkFTecnica(nref2)">
> *END*
> Another problem is that you include the variables in the URL without
encoding them.
> So maybe the easiest would be :
> use CGI::Enurl; # http://Jenda.Krynicky.cz
> $datos = $datos . "<a href='$me?"
> . enurl({C => 'OFERTAS2',
> EMPRESA => $empresa_param,
> NREF => $nref
> }) . q{' onMouseOver="linkFTecnica(nref2)">};
> # I assume $me is the name of the script and as such it doesn't contain
any special characters.
> To get back to your main question ... I don't understand what you want.
Could you reword it?
> Jenda
> =========== [EMAIL PROTECTED] == http://Jenda.Krynicky.cz ==========
> There is a reason for living. There must be. I've seen it somewhere.
> It's just that in the mess on my table ... and in my brain.
> I can't find it.
> --- me
> --
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