walter valenti wrote:
> Hi,
> i've got a binary executable file, that give a result on STDOUT (shell).
> I'm reditected STDOUT on a file as:
> use Getopt::Long;
> open(STDOUT,">/usr/local/netsaint/var/tmp") || die"$!\n";
> &GetOptions("p=i" => \$port);
> $|=1;
> system("/usr/local/netsaint/libexec/check_http -p $port");
> close(STDOUT);
> where check_http is the executable.
> After i read and parse the content of this file, i want give a result on
> STDOT (shell), but...
> I don't write more on shell !!!

are you sure this executable prints to stdout, not stderr?

does these commands give the same output (on shell):
/usr/local/netsaint/libexec/check_http -p some_port > std_out
/usr/local/netsaint/libexec/check_http -p some_port 2> std_err

if not, it prints to stderr and it's stderr you need to redirect STDERR
to the file.

or you can do:
system("/usr/local/netsaint/libexec/check_http -p $port


> I'm tryied only with on print, and with:
> select STDOUT;
> $|=1;
> print"xxx";
> Nothing... i don't write on shell !!!
> How i can reallocate the STDOUT on default (shell) ????
> Thanks
>     Walter
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  • STDOUT walter valenti
    • Jon Molin

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