Jess Balint wrote:
> Hello all, I have a file of 3,210,008 CSV records. I need to take a random
> sample of this. I tried hacking something together a while ago, but it
> seemed to repeat 65,536 different records. When I need a 5mil sample, this
> creates a problem.
> Here is my old code: I know the logic allows dups, but what would incur the
> limit? I think with 500,000 samples there wouldn't be a problem getting more
> than 65536 diff records, but that number is too ironic for me to deal with.
> Thanks.
> #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
> open (FILE,"consumer.sample.sasdump.txt");
> open (NEW,">");
> @data = <FILE>;
> for ( $jess == 1; $jess < 500000; $jess++ ) {
>         $index = rand @data;
>         print NEW $data[$index];
> }
> close(FILE);
> close(NEW);

This should do what you want:

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use strict;


open FILE, 'consumer.sample.sasdump.txt' or die "Cannot open
'consumer.sample.sasdump.txt': $!";
open NEW,  '>' or die "Cannot open '': $!";

my @data = <FILE>;

for ( 1 .. 500_000 ) {
    print NEW splice @data, rand @data, 1;

close FILE;
close NEW;

use Perl;

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