Ken Cole [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*>My question, in my experience NFS is not the quickest program around.
*>Will it be faster to use say LWP or Net::ftp or similar to put and get
*>the files in question than writing and reading from the NFS
*>exported/mounted directory or shouldn't I worry?

There are a number of benchmarking tools for NFS out on the net so you can
get an idea where the bottlenecks are that you seem to be experiencing
since it could be anything from your CGI, slow disks, slow network,
slow OS or anything inbetween and not excluding misconfigurations.

I'm pretty sure that a properly configured NFS relationship over a private
netowrk is going to be far faster than anything you can write in perl to
transfer over ftp/http. NFS on linux is async though and may be slower
with the SCO box if its NFS is sync. Tuning NFS has been a career for some
people :)


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