Dear All, 

I have sort of questions, would you please give me some hint, even refering me to a 
perldoc would be nice too.

1. When I open a text file with *lines, however, I just want to read the first line, 
would this be a good idea ?
open (FILE, "textfile.txt"); $firstline = <FILE>; close (FILE);
would this process run till EOF, or terminated after read $firstline ?

2. I am using Win32 system , would you tell when is \n apprear and when is \r\n 
apprear ?
What about this when dealing with binary files ?

3. Is this different for this 2 scripts ?
version 1 :  sub any { for (@data) { my ($a, $b) = split (/=/, $_) } return 1 }
version 2 :  sub any { my $a, $b ; for (@data) { ($a, $b, $c) = split (/=/, $_) } 
return 1 } 

4. Is that reading binary data faster then reading text file ?

5. How can I write multiple line if remark like /* and  */ pairs, instead of using # 
at every line ?

6. Is that any syntax for local call about  'use' and 'require', so as something like 
'not require', 'not use' expressions ?

7. Would you give me some short examples for //e, and //g ? I am confused for their 

8. Any modules can help to check connecting threats for a certain page ? or if I run 
$alive = `ping $ip` a good idea ?

9. Any modules can help to read and write the ID3vX for mp3 files ?

Any ideas and respond will be very very helpful..... Really urgent for a project 
design and development.....
Thank you very much =)


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