> Indeed I want to locate the LinkExtor.pm module.
> Cheers
> Bruce

Assuming you have ActivePerl installed, try these two commands:

D:\>ppm search link
Packages available from
ASP-NextLink                [0.11] Perl implementation of the NextLink ASP
HTML-ActiveLink             [1.02] dynamically activate HTML links based on URL
HTML-LinkAdd                [0.12] add hyperlinks to phrases in HTML documents
HTML-SimpleLinkExtor        [0.71] Undetermined
HTTP-SimpleLinkChecker      [1.04] Check the HTTP response code for a link
Net-Layers-Datalink-Message [0.01] Perl extension for packaging and unpackaging
                                   a message.
D:\>ppm install HTML-SimpleLinkExtor
Version 0.71 of 'HTML-SimpleLinkExtor' is already installed.
Remove it, or use 'verify --upgrade HTML-SimpleLinkExtor'.


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