> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Samuelsson (PAC) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Subject: get full name of $user in NT?
> Is there anyway off getting the full name from an remote 
> user? that is, i know the persons log on sign, say "ROMI"
> full name is "Robert Mitchum" accordin to NT. Is there any 
> Perl code , that you know off? i have checked the 
> Win32::AdminMisc functions, and that seems to return, nothing 
> or numbers =/ when i have tried it.
> //Dave

I don't know if there's a better/faster/easier way to do this, but this is
one way to accomplish what you want:

use warnings;
use strict;
use Win32::NetAdmin qw(GetUsers GetDomainController);
my %UserHash;
my $Domain = "yourdomain";
my $UserID = "ROMI";
GetDomainController("","$Domain", my $Server);
GetUsers($Server, 0, \%UserHash) or die "GetUsers() failed: $^E";
foreach my $key(keys %UserHash) {
  if (lc($key) eq lc($UserID)) {
    print "$key is: $UserHash{$key}\n";

Should return:
ROMI is: Robert Mitchum

Hope this helps...



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