Jim Conner wrote:
> At 20:28 03.25.2002 -0800, Ahmed Moustafa wrote:
>>> Jim Conner wrote:
>>>> I suck at this kind of topic but the only way I can think of doing 
>>>> such a thing is this:
>>>> Use IPC.
>>>> fork off something like 10 children each child working on a separate 
>>>> file and use sysvmsg sysvshem (I do not believe these are functions 
>>>> and I can't look the right functions up for you right now but 
>>>> perldoc perlipc might be of some use) to pass messages back and 
>>>> forth between the children and the parent to follow what each 
>>>> process is doing.
>>> 'fork' spawns a child process of the parent, doesn't it?
>> I mean the child is a clone of the parent, isn't?
> Yes; from the point where the fork occurs.

So, how can a new different process by forked? Or, how a function be 
called and the next step execute without waiting for the previous 
function to terminate?

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