Hrm, try this:

@tea = "Meba", "Shaun", "Mark", "Jason", "Rick", "Dan";
srand (time ^ $$ ^ unpack "%L*", `ps axww | gzip`);
print "$tea[rand(5)]\n";

On Wednesday 27 March 2002 03:25 pm, you wrote:
> I decided to write a little script to help choose who will make the tea on
> our gaming night [there is always an argument!]
> I thought I was doing quite well but it seems I am picked on by the
> [non]random script I wrote! It seems to default to the first word in the
> array.
> I used rand @array;
> I think perhaps that I am thinking about it too simply and perhaps I need
> to involve more math - but I am not good at maths [though I am willing and
> a quick] ! so can anyone point me in the right direction?
> #!c:/perl/perl.exe
> @tea = "Meba", "Shaun", "Mark", "Jason", "Rick", "Dan";
> #below is the problem area I think - perhaps rand is not appropriate here?
> #or I haven't phrased it right?
> #I have looked through masses of documentation and faqs but can't find a
> thing.
> #Am I blind or just dim?
> $get = rand @tea;
> $who = $tea[$get];
> $affirm = "The lucky tea maker is ";
> $result = $affirm.$who;
> $fail = "Sorry I wasn't listening. Try again!\n";
> print "Enter y to see who will make the tea: ";
> $input = <STDIN>;
> chomp $input;
> if ($input eq "y") {
>       $a= true;
>       }
> if ($a) {print $result
> }
> else
> {
>  print "$fail" };

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