Although it doesn't quite work the same as ppm, the cpan command will
enable you to install any package you desire.  If you've never installed
it before, you'll need to use 'perl -MCPAN -e shell;' from the command
line, following the directions below.  I recall hearing/reading that
this command is used by earlier versions of perl.  In any event, I
always use it on machines where I've never installed modules as 'xxx'
user before.  After I've done this inital installation, I'm able to add
additional modules by simply using 'cpan' at the command line.


Installing Perl Modules
Use the built-in CPAN module to install the latest version of PERL

perl -MCPAN -e shell;


When you first run CPAN in an user account, it will ask you for
configuration parameters. Accept the defaults but use
""; for CPAN URL.

Then run the following command:

install File::Spec

install Net::FTP
(use "" for SMTP, and ""
for TIME and DAYTIME, "" for local host name)

install Proc::Daemon

install install Bundle::CPAN
(use ""; for CPAN URL)


The user running this command should have write permission to install
PERL modules (e.g. /usr/local/lib/perl5)

Here is what I normally do:
1) make user xxx the owner of /usr/local/lib/perl5
e.g. chown -R netscape /usr/local/lib/perl5
2) use CPAN module as user xxx to install PERL modules
3) restore proper ownership of /usr/local/lib/perl5
chown -R bin:bin /usr/local/lib/perl5

 After Installing Perl Module

After following the above instructions, then cd to xxx user's
$HOME/.cpan directory. 

>From there, cd into the build/[module name] directory and review the
README (highly recommended) and MANIFEST (optional). The README tells
you what the module does and how to install it. The MANIFEST tells you
which files will be installed.

In the readme, you'll be told to run four programs: perl Makefile.PL,
make, make test, and make install. Pay close attention to any errors
that display during the make test step. If you decide you can't live
with the errors returned, then appropriately correct the problems
identified before proceeding to the make install step.

-----Original Message-----
From: Sean Hoskin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Monday, April 01, 2002 11:13 AM
Subject: Equivalent Linux tool to ppm

Is their a tool similar to ppm for Linux (Unix)?
"You use a Windows machine and the golden rule is: Save, and save often.
It's scary how people have grown used to the idea that computers are
unreliable when it is not the computer at all - it's the operating
system that just doesn't cut it." - Linus Torvalds
Sean Hoskin, 
Technical Lead
E-Application Development
Williams-Sonoma, Inc. 
151 Union Street - IH1 
San Francisco, CA 94111 

/* The instinct which creates the arts is not the same as that which
produces art. The creative instinct is, in its final analysis and in its
simplest terms, an enormous extra vitality, a super-energy, born
inexplicably in an individual, a vitality great beyond all the needs of
his own living - an energy which no single life can consume. This energy
consumes itself then in creating more life, in the form of music,
painting, writing, or whatever is its most natural medium of expression.
Nor can the individual keep himself from this process, because only by
its full function is he relieved of the burden of this extra and
peculiar energy - an energy at once physical and mental, so that all his
senses are more alert and more profound than another man's, and all his
brain more sensitive and quickened to that which his senses reveal to
him in such abundance that actuality overflows into imagination. It is a
process proceeding from within. It is the heightened activity of every
cell of his being, which sweeps not only himself, but all human life
about him, or in him, in his dreams, into the circle of its activity. 

>From the product of this activity, art is deducted - but not by him. 
process which creates is not the process which deduces the shapes of
art. The defining of art, therefore, is a secondary and not a primary
process. And when one born for the primary process of creation, as the
novelist is, concerns himself with the secondary process, his activity
becomes meaningless. When he begins to make shapes and styles and
techniques and new schools, then he is like a ship stranded upon a reef
whose propeller, whirl wildly as it will, cannot drive the ship onward.
Not until the ship is in its element again can it regain its course. 

And for the novelist the only element is human life as he finds it in
himself or outside himself. The sole test of his work is whether or not
his energy is producing more of that life. Are his creatures alive? That
is the only question. And who can tell him? Who but those living human
beings, the people? Those people are not absorbed in what art is or how
it is made-are not, indeed, absorbed in anything very lofty, however
good it is. No, they are absorbed only in themselves, in their own
hungers and despairs and joys and above all, perhaps, in their own
dreams. These are the ones who can really judge the work of the
novelist, for they judge by that single test of reality. And the
standard of the test is not to be made by the device of art, but by the
simple comparison of the reality of what they read, to their own

I have been taught, therefore, that though the novelist may see art as
cool and perfect shapes, he may only admire them as he admires marble
statues standing aloof in a quiet and remote gallery; for his place is
not with them. His place is in the street. He is happiest there. The
street is noisy and the men and women are not perfect in the technique
of their expression as the statues are. They are ugly and imperfect,
incomplete even as human beings, and where they come from and where they
go cannot be known. But they are people and therefore infinitely to be
preferred to those who stand upon the pedestals of art. */ -Pearl Buck,
Nobel Lecture

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