> It could be my code.

It is, trust me.

> I am using the variable to write to an
> Excel file in which I want to increment
> the cell from A1 to B1 to C1, etc.

Generalising your code:

> $x="A";
> for (0..3) {
>       $cell="$x1";
>       print $cell . "\n"
>       $x++;
> }

And what do you get?

By any chance is it:

Use of uninitialized value at - line 3.

Use of uninitialized value at - line 3.

Use of uninitialized value at - line 3.

since you ARE USING the -w flag for perl, AREN'T YOU?  :P

The problem is the "$x1", since perl is trying to use a variable $x1, not $x.  You 
need to use
"${x}1" or $x . "1";

Jonathan Paton

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