On Wednesday, April 3, 2002, at 12:27 , Mayank Ahuja wrote:
> Is there a way in which the whole code can be
> converged to one executble file so that we do not need to ship all the
> files to the user?

May I recommend that it is often easier to deliver one tarball
of many things - with an 'installer' - than it is to try to
make all of the 'stuff' fit into one application executable file.

In the long run the code maintenance issues will get Most Harry.

you might want to look at the idea of


to do your 'packaging' for you so that all the end
user need do is

        perl *.PL
        make test
        make install

and then not have to worry about the 'converge' to
one piece of code.

if you look at the h2xs code you will find that with
just a bit of tweeking you can put all of your basic
modules in 'deliverable' packages - and then add some
glue to have your tk and just perl executables wrapped
into the <foo>-<version>.tar.gz single deliverable.

just an alternative strategy to consider.



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