Oops.  My bad.  I wonder how much extra work that one's cost me...

-----Original Message-----
From: Jenda Krynicky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2002 8:49 AM
To: Timothy Johnson
Subject: RE: Scope of variables. Lost in subs

From: "Timothy Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Another thing to remember is that declaring a variable with my() at
> the top of your script does NOT make the variable global.


>  It loses
> scope in subroutines.  


If you declare a variable with my() its scope will be from the 
declaration to the end of the enclosing block. Which for variables 
declared outside any {} block or eval"" means ... to the end of the 

Including any subroutines.

Unless of course there is another variable with the same name 
declared in a block. In that case this "global" variable is masked till 
the end of that block.

> The easiest way to get around this is to pass
> variables to your subs by reference.

Variables are actually passed kind-of by reference. Try this:

        $x = 20;
        sub foo {
                print "foo called with param $_[0]\n";
                $_[0] = 99;
        print "\$x = $x\n";
        print "\$x = $x\n";


        @a = (1,2,3);
        sub foo {
                print "foo called with param $_[0], $_[1], $_[2]\n";
                $_[0] = 99;
                $_[1] = 99;
                $_[2] = 99;
        print "\@a = @a\n";
        print "\@a = @a\n";

It's when you do
        my $param = shift();
        my ($one,$two) = @_;
when you are making copies.


=========== [EMAIL PROTECTED] == http://Jenda.Krynicky.cz ==========
There is a reason for living. There must be. I've seen it somewhere.
It's just that in the mess on my table ... and in my brain
I can't find it.
                                        --- me

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