On Monday, April 8, 2002, at 12:09  PM, Michael D. Risser wrote:

> On Monday 08 April 2002 11:46 am, bob ackerman wrote:
>> On Monday, April 8, 2002, at 11:21  AM, Michael D. Risser wrote:
>>> I have an array that contains some filenames that I wish to check for,
>>> however
>>> I don't seem to be checking the array, at least not in the manner I
>>> expect ;-) Here's the relevant offending code:
>>> my @lsLib = ("libListTree.a",
>>>                "libXpm.a",
>>>                "libfalk.a",
>>>                "libmysqlclient.a",
>>>                "libdxclass.so.6.0",
>>>                "libxg.a");
>>> sub checkLib() {
>>>     # Pass the directory to check in, and an array containing the
>>> filenames
>>>     # to check for
>>>     &check($libDir, @lsLib);
>>> }
>>> sub check() {
>>>     my ($dir,@toCheck) = @_;
>>>     my $last = @toCheck;
>>>     my $i;
>>>     my $valid;
>>>     # Go to the directory we need to check
>>>     print "\nEntering $dir\nChecking for $last files\n";
>>>     chdir($dir) or die "Unable to change to $dir: $!\n";
>>>     opendir(DIR, $dir) or die "Unable to open $dir: $!\n";
>>>     # Loop throught the directory we were passed
>>>     while(my $file = readdir(DIR)) {
>>>             # First gid rid of those pesky . and .. things
>>>             if($file eq "." || $file eq "..") {
>>>                     next;
>>>             }
>>>             $valid = 0;
>>>             # Now loop through the array of filenames we were passed
>>>             for($i = 0; $i < $last && !$valid; $i++) {
>>>                     # Make sure the file exists
>>>                     if ($file eq $toCheck[$i]) {
>>>                             print "\t\- $file.....OK\n";
>>>                             $valid = 1;
>>>                     }
>>>             }
>>>             ##
>>>             # $i not valid
>>>             #
>>>             if (!$valid) {
>>>                     #if($file ne "." || $file ne "..") {
>>>                             # If its FUBAR add it to the array, and let us know
>>>                             print "\t\- $file.....ERROR\n";
>>>                             push(@missingFiles,"$dir/$file");
>>>                     #}
>>>             }
>>>     }
>>>     # Be nice and close our directory handle
>>>     closedir DIR;
>>> }
>>> Here's the kicker, it works for aother arrays that I pass, but not the
>>> one shown above. The entire script can be found at
>>> http://www.visionpro.com/~michael/build-checker.pl
>> and just what problem are you seeing?
> Everything appears as <fileName>.....ERROR even though thay are all 
> present

you might try a simpler sanity test:
$dir = pop;
my @lsLib = ("libListTree.a",
  for (@lib)
        print $_,"\n" if -e "$dir/$_";

make sure you see the files.

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