At 09:01 AM 11/04/2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>You've declared it...
>my $drvname;
>...but not initialised it(given it a value). So at the moment it has the 
>special value 'undef' (which is treated as 0 in a numeric context, or '' 
>in a scalar one). Try and do much with an undef and you'll get a warning, 
>basically reminding you to do something with it. You can selectively turn 
>this warning off, like the other bloke suggested, but once you start 
>playing with undefs things can get a bit odd -it's best to avoid them, by 
>keeping the warnings on. I think setting it as an empty string will do the 
>my $drvname = '';
>Note that an undef is *treated* like an empty string in scalar context 
>-that doesn't mean to say that it *is* an empty string. This idea only 
>clicked for me the other day when someone suggested I read the perlsyn 
>manpage (the declarations bit especially).

That all makes a lot of sense, but I think I like Nikola's idea to use
"no warnings 'uninitialized'", at the top of the print block.  It's not 
$drvname that is empty, it's the array @columns that have null values, not 
all fields in the table are required.

Thanks for the info, that's very useful.


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