I asked this same question..
The second way would be more efficent if you put the pattern that will match
more often first/at the top.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dave Chappell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, April 15, 2002 10:30 AM
> Subject: examining a file line-by-line
> Is there a more efficient way of approaching this? 
> I open 1 file for reading and another for writing. The script 
> examines each
> line of the file being read and if any of the following words 
> or digits
> matches, skip the line and go to the next. Write everything 
> else to another
> file. 
> while (<IN>) {
>             next if /(\d5|\d100|\d25|this|could|get|very|long)/;
> Print OUT;
> }
> ....or I can do it this way:
> while (<IN>) {
>             next if /\d5/;
> next if /\d100/;
> next if /\d25/;
> next if /this/;
> next if /could/;
> next if /get/;
> next if /very/;
> next if /long/;
>             print OUT;
> }
> Regards,
> Dave Chappell

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