> On Tue, Apr 16, 2002 at 11:27:50PM +0200, Henk-Jan wrote:
> > I used " perl -MCPAN -e shell"
> > to install new perl modules.
> > I now also have perl 5.6.1 (I had 5.6.0)
> This was a bug with older versions of the CPAN shell.  What version of the
> shell are you running?  I'd suggest upgrading it, so that module upgrades
> don't try to upgrade perl.
It is too late now....
> > But I am afraid that my perl does not support setuid anymore.
> > How can I simply reinstall perl, but then with setuid support using
> You must be mistaken, 5.6.1 supports setuid.  How did you go about
> determining it doesn't?
I want to install a scipt called "openwebmail".
If I run it as root, it works allright (I see html code coming)
If I run it as a user I get: "./openwebmail/pl' must be setuid to root"

This is what is says in the faq:

Q: I got "Internal server error" when running Open WebMail?
   I got "can not do setuid" error?
   I got "Software error: Can't locate etc/openwebmail.conf in @INC" error?
A: There are many possible answers...

   1. Please check you have installed a complete set of perl 5.005 or above.
      And You uncompress the openwebmail-1.xx.tgz with proper parameter.
      It should be "tar -zxvBpf openwebmail-1.xx.tgz"

   2. Your openwebmail scripts may have wrong owner or mode.
      The permission of

      openwebmail.pl, openwebmail-main.pl,
      openwebmail-read.pl, openwebmail-viewatt.pl,
      openwebmail-send.pl, openwebmail-spell.pl,
      openwebmail-prefs.pl, openwebmail-folder.pl and checkmail.pl

      should be


   3. Your perl may be compiled with suid ability disabled.
      a. check if you have a executable of suidperl,
         then 'chmod 4555 suidperl'
         and change #!/usr/bin/perl to the path of this suidperl

      b. Or recompile your perl with suid enabled
         Here are the steps:
         1. grab the perl source tar ball
         2. sh Configure -de (de means default perl config)
         3. edit config.sh and set this :
         4. then make, make install (make suidperl if needed)
         (thanks to Nemo Kaiser, [EMAIL PROTECTED])

      c. Or use uty/suidwrap.pl to generate C wrappers for all suid scripts.
         Here are the steps:
         1. cd cgi-bin/openwebmail
         2. perl uty/wrapsuid.pl /fullpath/cgi-bin/openwebmail

         All suid scripts will be renamed to .scriptname.pl and
         the C wrapper will be generated and named as script.pl
         (thanks to Chris Heegard, [EMAIL PROTECTED])

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