On Thu, Apr 25, 2002 at 05:02:10AM -0700, John W. Krahn wrote:
> Michael Lamertz wrote:
> > 
> > A.
> >     perl -p0i -e 's/sub html_base.*//s' *.cgi
> > 
> > reads the whole file in one
> > (-0 means $/ = \000),
> \000 is a reference to a numeric literal, "\000" is the null character
> which doesn't "reads the whole file in one"

Yepp, that wasn't intended to be a proper perl expression but more kind
of symbolic.  I used the C notation where \nnn puts raw characters into
strings %-)

Sorry, that was unclear.

> >   -0 only works with text files, since binaries might contain 0-bytes.
> >     use -00777 to be absolutely safe, since there's no character 256.
> Octal 0777 is not equal to 256.
> $ perl -le'print 0777'
> 511

Again you're right.  That'll teach me to not only type but also think
when I post next time @-)

> >   Due to the '/s' you can't match on beginning or end of line anymore.
> If you use the /m modifier then ^ will match the beginning of a line and
> $ will match the end of a line.

Yepp, but this isn't what he needed.  He wanted to match up to EOF.  I
only mentioned it so he was aware of the, hmmm, "side effect".

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