On Fri, Apr 26, 2002 at 09:32:04AM +0100, Jonathan E. Paton wrote:
> > I need to back up two days from localtime and I can't
> > figure out how to do it. Currently I'm doing this just
> > so I can work out the rest of the program:
> [Ignore me if you aren't on a Unix like platform]
> Hi,
> You should seriously consider installing the 'at' job
> manager for run-once tasks, or 'cron' to schedule tasks
> regularly.  Try to avoid spreading time-scheduling
> around, especially into memory hungry Perl processes
> that just sit around doing nothing.
> man at
> man cron

I think you're missing the point here.  It's quite a common task to work
on logfiles that are a day or two old and have a timestamp in their
filename.  Sometimes these files are just required to be kept where they
are for some days, and then one has exactly the problem the original
post described.

He'll still use cron to schedule his script, but the script will need to
'calculate' the filename of the n-days old logfile.

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