I have been through man printf, info printf and perldoc -f print and still
can't find how to format numbers.
In the program below I would like to print the numbers as below:
        383.3    as 383.30
        37492908 as 37 492 908
        35.7560234069824 as 35.76
        1631.11929000261 as 1 631
Please can someone put me right. Many thanks for introducing me to the split
command/function it sure is a winner.
My simple program which prints unformatted is below
Many thanks Pat.
Program follows:-
#Program that needs formatting of numbers
$Tot_megsG = $Grand_total / 1024 /1024;
print "Grand Total   = $Grand_total\t";
print "$Tot_megsG  megabytes\n\n";
print "Total time    = $Tot_time in minutes \n\n";
$seconds = ($Tot_time * 60);
$avercps = ($Grand_total / $seconds);
print "Average CPS   = $avercps \n\n";
print "Program has ended....\n\n";

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