on Mon, 29 Apr 2002 18:55:41 GMT, Jim-Cont Flaherty wrote:

> Hello , My script picks out random elements from an array , but it
> sometimes repeats ( which is no good) .. I want to prevent this , Do
> I delete the element from the array .... or is there a better way ?

Lookup the 'fisher_yates_shuffle' with 

        perldoc -q shuffle

        How do I shuffle an array randomly?

If you don't want to mess with your original @array, you can create a 
second array @iarray = (0..$#array), and shuffle that:

    my @dwarfs = qw (Doc Happy Bashful Sneezy Sleepy Grumpy Dopey); 
    my @idwarfs = (0..$#dwarfs);
    fisher_yates_shuffle( \@idwarfs );   
    for (@idwarfs) {
        print "$dwarfs[$_]\n";


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