On Tuesday, April 30, 2002, at 04:17  PM, Tor Hildrum wrote:

> First of all, I would just like to apologize for not sending this to the
> CGI-list, but I prefer this list. As this is where I've gotten the best 
> help
> in the past. Blame yourself :)
> I was reading CGI.pm when I discovered that you could use the -value
> argument from submit buttons, and assign them to variables.
> From CGI.pm:
> ###########
> submit() will create the query submission button.  Every form
> should have one of these.
> The first argument (-name) is optional.  You can give the button
> a name if you have several submission buttons in your form and
> you want to distinguish between them.  The name will also be used
> as the user-visible label.  Be aware that a few older browsers
> don't deal with this correctly and never send back a value from a
> button.
> The second argument (-value) is also optional.  This gives the
> button a value that will be passed to your script in the query
> string.  You can figure out which button was pressed by using
> different values for each one:
>      $which_one = $query->param('button_name');
> ##########
> I was thinking of ways I could use this, and tried with this idea:
> my $q = new CGI;
> my $buttonVelgArrangement = undef;
> if  ($buttonRegistrer) { FerdigRegistrering(); }
> elsif ($buttonVelgArrangement) { Registrer(); }
> else { VelgArrangement(); }
> sub VelgArrangement {
>    print $q->start_html,
>            $q->h1("here is a form"),
>            ## FORM HERE
>            $q->submit(-name=>'velgarrangement', value=>'Velg'),
>            $q->end_html;
> my $button = \$buttonVelgArrangement;
> $button = $q->param('velgarrangement');
> }

first you are assigning to $button your flag that you test and then 
overwrite that with the value returned from the submit. don't need both, 
do you?
in neither case do you assign anything to $buttonVelgArrangement which is 
the flag  you are testing above.
i would think you want to assign something to $buttonVelgArrangement. and 
same for the other flag.

> When I try to use this method, nothing happens when I press the submit
> button. Is this method possible, or am I misunderstanding something?
> I was hoping it would jump to Registrer().
> Is the problem that when I hit the submit-button, a new CGI call is sent 
> to
> the server, and $buttonVelgArrangement is again undef?
> Has anyone used this feature of the submit button before (in what way?)?
> Any help/info is greatly appreciated.
> Tor
> (I added my test code below)
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use Strict;
> use DBI;
> use CGI qw(:standard);
> my $q = new CGI;
> my $host = "localhost";
> my $user = "tor";
> my $password = "password";
> my $database = "nuug";
> my $table = "arrangement";
> my $buttonVelgArrangement = undef;
> My $buttonRegistrer = undef;
> if ($buttonRegister) { FerdigRegistrering(); }
> elsif ($buttonVelgArrangement) { Registrer(); }
> else { VelgArrangement(); }
> sub VelgArrangement {
> my @arrangement;
> my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=$database;host=$host", $user,
> $password, {'RaiseError' => 1});
> my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select * from $table");
> $sth->execute();
> while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
> push(@arrangement, $ref->{'kort'});
> }
> print   $q->header,
>         $q->start_html('Registrering'),
>         $q->h1("NUUG Arrangementsregistrering "), hr,
>         $q->h3("Velg arrangement: "), popup_menu(-name=>'arrangement',
> -values=>\@arrangement),
>         $q->hr,
>         $q->submit(-name=>'velgarrangement', -value=>'Velg'),
>         $q->end_html;
> my $button = \$buttonVelgArrangement;
> $button = $q->param('velgarrangement');
> }
> sub Registrer {
> print   $q->header,
>         $q->start_html('Registrering'),
>         $q->startform(),
>         $q->textfield(-name=>'navn', -default=>'Ola Nordmann', -size=>35,
> -maxlength=>50),
>         $q->textfield(-name=>'epost', -default=>'Ola\@nordmann.no',
> -size=>50, -maxlength=>50),
>         $q->endform,
>         $q->p,h1('Du valgte: '), $q->param('arrangement'),
>         $q->submit(-name=>'registrer', value=>'Registrer'),
>         $q->end_html;
> My $button = \$buttonRegistrer;
> $button = $q->param('registrer');
> }
> ## I haven't done FerdigRegistrering(), since this submit-experimenting
> ## didn't work.
> --
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