On Tuesday, April 30, 2002, at 04:07  PM, Johnson, Shaunn wrote:

> Howdy:
> I'm looking for examples of how to use element 0
> in one array as a search pattern and looking in
> other arrays for that pattern.  Here's what I have
> so far ...
> [snip code]
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> use diagnostics;
> # test to read two files into two arrays
> # do a search for each *FIRST* element in the array per line
> # and print the matching line in the second file into a
> # new file
> $file="command.txt";
> $file2="command2.txt";
> @array=<file>;
> @array2=<file2>;

don't see you opening the files.
something like:
open (FILE1, $file) or die "Unable to open: $!";
and same for FILE2.

> open (INFILE, ">/tmp/infile.txt") or die "Unable to open: $!";
> while (<file2>) {
> if (m!$array[0]!) {
>         print INFILE $_;
>         }
> }
> close INFILE;

this doesn't work if  you have already read file2 into @array2. looks like 
you don't mean to read it above.

> [/snip code]
> What I'm trying to do is use the first element in the first
> file (which *should* be an array) and look for it's match
> in the second array.  If I find the match, I print that
> line.

if you read the file into an array, each element is a line/string, not an 
the firsst element will be a scalar - the first line of text.

> I'm getting errors about:
> * Name "main::array2" used only once: possible typo at
> ../h_test.pl line 14 (#1)

you did only use it once.

> * readline() on closed filehandle main::file at
> ../h_test.pl line 13 (#2)
> * Your perl code sux ... go back to bash shell ...
> line 22 (#2) - (*grin*)
> The errors go on to say that the filehandle i'm
> trying to read got closed before the real fun
> began.  But how?  I don't understand why the files
> are closed.
> Anyhow ... anyone happen to have examples of
> something like this around?
> -X

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