Garrett Esperum wrote:
> Hi all,


> I am using Solaris, Perl 5.
> I am having some problems manipulating strings.
> The string I am manipulating is:
> /export/home/user/www/doc-root/dir/projects/19463/1_0001.doc
> I am trying to take out the "19463" part from the string and insert it into
> a variable.
> Example of my code to do this:
> $projectId = substr($projectDocDir, length($dir), index($projectDocDir, "/",
> length($dir)));
> The $dir variable contains the path
> "/export/home/user/www/doc-root/dir/projects".
> When I run my script, the string "1946" is returned, the last "3" is not.
> What am I doing wrong??

Either of these should work:

(my $projectId) = $projectDocDir =~ m!.*/(\w+)/!;

# or

my $projectId = (split /\//, $projectDocDir)[-2];

use Perl;

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