Good Lord, you're gonna scare away the beginners who have questions
about perl!

> > Hi,
> > I'm a beginner that doesn't even have perl yet.
> > I woul like to know whether Perl is faster or Java for business 
> > applications.
> Paul has already provided the correct Party Line from the 
> typical Perl Advocate. So I'll be stuck trying to defend the 
> grey beards position.
> As for KH's variation on the theme, now we start to move 
> towards the place where we have some parameters to really work with.
> To save some space I will try to 'speak in uri' -
> One of the places I have been ranting on this is:
> Where I discuss the matters of "code reuse" - the OO process 
> by means of 'class/sub_class' - in Proceduralist languages 
> this is the library - in Perl it is the Module - the problem 
> in perl is that the perl5 OO implementation is not as good as 
> it can be, perl6 may 'solve all of that' - and we will see at 
> what costs.
> If you want to be way trendy then you of course want to be 
> looking at the Objective Caml Language:
>       cf:
> Since this is a language where first order functionality 
> exists and it allows for the use of OO in the few possible 
> edge cases where that may actually have some 'requiredNeff'.
> Assuming that one were truly seeking 'ubiquity' for 'human 
> interface' then of course one has already come to understand 
> that one is either going to be writing CGI or mod_perl and/or 
> apache modules - since of course no 'real Operating System' 
> can exist but that it is fully integrated into a webBrowser. 
> { and we thought the emacs folks were a bit over the edge. } 
> At which point one is really talking in terms of what 
> specific type of Tomcat Servlet v. mod_perl v. apache module 
> were you really planning to write....
> { old guys of course will be thinking in terms of Perl/Tk - 
> because they do not understand that Operating Systems that 
> are not a part of a webBrowser are passe.... and still have 
> this irrational belief that there were kernels that were not 
> browser plug-ins. }
> { for those of you new to writing device drivers - please, do 
> not assume that simply because your VB based device driver 
> allowed you to use 'standard IO' reads of flat files for 
> configurations - that this will allowed in an adult Operating 
> System - and no, you can not put 'printf()' or 'fprintf()' 
> statements in to do your kernel debugging. Nope - Not an option. }
> As for the specific question of Large Database - we of course 
> must pause and ask whether or not the system is a 'data 
> mining' project where it will be used for secondary 'decision 
> matrix analysis' - and speed is not the issue - or are we 
> talking in terms of an OLTP - at which point the real 
> question is who is doing the database design and shielding 
> the running daemons from the DB itself by doing the 
> appropriate "stored procedures" and transaction abstractions 
> - at which point we're also wondering why you want to do the 
> API to that in anything but 'c' because you really want to 
> have the most portable 'assembler code' processing system 
> that works from statically linked compile time code re-use - 
> because you are not at all interested in engaging in the 
> run-time dynamically loadable link level library hassles of 
> version skew as the really is not backwardly 
> compatible with the and you are not too sure how 
> to fully back out all of the code that needs to use the old 
> form since the process installed them as
> -> libfoo.<int>.so
> and there can only be ONE!
> At which point we could get into the discussions about 
> whether polymorphism is a good idea, as well as whether or 
> not java - which expressly avoids multiple class inheritance 
> - fully got away from all of that with the 'implements' that 
> allows the maze of twisty little passages as you find that 
> there are 'structural' issues getting the extends stuff to 
> work and play well with the implements stuff....
> We should of course write up the problems associated with the 
> whole process of 'kargo kulting' - In which the blind pass 
> along what they heard to help the deaf find a way to smell a 
> fart... Which has more to do with whether or not you 
> personally should be wearing the trendy T-shirt that says:
>       "WARNING: does not work and play well with others."
> Especially if you keep hacking out work arounds for what the 
> 'realCoders[tm]'
> were supposedly 'developing' and finding that this is so much 
> more pathetically stoopidly implemented and maintained in 
> perl than in one of those 'real coding languages' that are 
> the topic of hotBuzz.
> Hence - just as you should have learned at least one 
> assembler language to know why you write that stuff in 'c' - 
> you need to know Perl so that you know why you don't write 
> 'fast code' in an object oriented programming paradigm - 
> since you really do not want to wait around while it bloats 
> up reimplementing in each object a common set of methods for 
> all gets and sets so that it can be fully encapsulated...
> Or because you find that hey, speed is not the need, hence 
> why not just use this Module - rather than re-implement it as 
> a flat stack of functions.... So that you can get on with the 
> truly important part of your life - impressing your friends 
> and neighbors in the various forms of DickSizeWars[tm] that 
> are your TechNoir moment as you still haven't quite figured 
> out how to hack access to a gender appropriate person - 
> because they don't come with any of the standard networking 
> protocols....
>       But aren't they suppose to have at least an RS-232 port?
> ciao
> drieux
> ---
> -- 
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