> >> 
> >> txt
> >>
> >> for the details on the comparison....
> >>
> >> looks like the double loop is faster.... but it may not be
> >> in some other configuration of data...
> >
> > The dereference is probably wasting cycles, why not bring that outside 
> > the loop and save some time.  I suspect that puts the double loop even 
> > further ahead.
> Benchmark: timing 1000000 iterations of doubleLoop, dullWay, pushList...
> doubleLoop:  242130.75/s (n=1000000) # $hash->{key}
>     dullWay:  238663.48/s (n=1000000) # $hash{$key}
> which is not what I had expected

You sure about that?  Seems very counter-intutive, you did remember that
deferencing should save clock cycles when in a loop.  E.g.

my %hash = %{ $hash };
print $hash{$_} for 0..1000;

Unless, of course, that the -> case is optimised in some devious way or
dereferencing is deliberately crippled for our enjoyment.  use Benchmark

Jonathan Paton

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