Hello all,

I have a var, $DOC_NAME, holding a file name.  I need to get the first
part of the variable into another variable.  Some examples are
A98-12345, SO-02-789, P-99-029833 and GQE-37-2199.

A98-12345, I need A98
SO-02-789, I need SO-02
P-99-029833 I need P-99
GQE-37-2199 I need GQE-37

I know if it were always the first X that I needed I could do this:
$SUBDIR = (substr ($DOC_NAME, 0, X));
Really, I need everything until I get 2 digits in the new var.  Anyone
want to take a stab at this?
Thanx for any help!

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