Try this, its simple and easy to follow

open(GD, "$path/$list") || &death("Can't open $list: um121");
@data = <GD>;
close GD;
foreach $entry (@data) {
        ($name,$email,$passwd) = split(/\|/,$entry);
        # Do something with $name $email $passwd

On Wed, 2002-05-22 at 14:24, Greg D. wrote:
> Hello, 
> I have a script which reads a list and then puts it into an array which is 
> then inserted into a mysql DB...
> i was having problems with the part that reads the list and then splits up 
> the list that is parsed by | ..any help would be appreciated
> open(GD, "$path/$list") || &death("Can't open $list: um121");
> @data = <GD>;
> close GD;
> @data = split (/|/, $name, $email, $passwd)
> thanks
> -- 
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Richie Crews

Unix Administrator / Internet Integrator


Cell: (706) 773 - 3436
Desk: (706) 634 - 3681
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