At 07:44 2002.06.02, Zysman, Roiy wrote:
>>  -----Original Message-----
>> From:         Zysman, Roiy  
>> Sent: Sunday, June 02, 2002 2:40 PM
>> Subject:      regexp help
>> Hi all
>> how do i catch the last segment of a path and file name
>> for example i would like to catch only "test.gif" in /usr/src/test.gif or
>> from /usr/src/test1/../.../..../test.gif   
>> 10x

with regex, something like


should work. This looks for any character except the '/' at the end of the string and 
store the result in $1. Note that /foo/bar/ would match an empty string since the path 
ends with a '/'.

Myself, I prefer to use the File::Basename module.

perldoc File::Basename for more information.


Éric "Space Monkey" Beaudoin        
>> In space, no one can hear you sleep...

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