On Thu, Jun 06, 2002 at 08:34:24AM -0400, Naser Ali wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I am planning to write perl programs to access Oracle database. What do I
> need to install and configure in Solaris 2.6 environment with Oracle 8i.?
> Where can I find some basic tutorials for beginners like my self.
> Any pointers will be appreciated.

You need


It's been a while, so the following information might be outdated:

On the Oracle side, I recommend a full install, because the build
process for DBD::Oracle needs header files that are hidden somewhere in
the example code packages of Oracle.  We never really managed to figure
out which option in the Oracle installer actually contained the missing
headers :-)

The 'make test' part of DBD::Oracle tries to connect as 'scott/tiger' -
which I was told was a test user in old versions of Oracle - by default,
so you need to set ORACLE_SID to an existing test user.

Other than that, everything works pretty much as expected.

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