
I am currently almost done with my current job.
As I am reviewing my scripts the foreach-loop started to anoy me.

I am afraid this is slowing down the script. Does anyone know a faster way to
do the following :

# ------
open(FH, "< $groupfile");
@usrs = <FH>;
close FH;

 $htusr = (grep {/htuser: /} @usrs)[0] ;
 $phi = (grep {/phil: /} @usrs)[0] ;
 $al = (grep {/all: /} @usrs)[0] ;

 @htuser = split(/ /, $htusr);
 @phil = split(/ /, $phi);
 @all = split(/ /, $al);

 foreach $htuser(@htuser) {
  chomp $htuser;
  if ( "$pwuser" eq "$htuser" ) { $group = "iclab"; }
 foreach $phil(@phil) {
  chomp $phil;
  if ( "$pwuser" eq "$phil" ) { $group = "phil"; }
 foreach $all(@all) {
  chomp $all;
  if ( "$pwuser" eq "$all" ) { $group = "all"; }
 if(!($group)) { $group = "none"; }
# ------
Groupfile :

htuser: user1 user2 user3 manyothers
phil: user4 user5 manymore
all: external1 external2 etc
# -------

I know I should have used Strict, after I reviewed everything I will try to make
it strict again. You guys convinced me of using strict. It's only a pain to correct
it afterwards :(

Thanks for your help in advance !

Regs David

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