on Wed, 12 Jun 2002 10:43:14 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Harry
Jackson) wrote: 

> Has anyone ever wrote a script that creates a schema for MySql or
> Postgres. I am just wondering how you would have went about it. I
> am going to have to write an installation type script and was
> thinking about Perl for doing it. 

I usually use the following method (for MySQL):

    #! /usr/bin/perl -w
    use strict;
    use DBI;

    my $dbh = DBI->connect('dsn', 'user', 'password',  
                            {RaiseError => 0, PrintError => 0});

        local $/ =';';
        while (<DATA>) {
                or warn "Statement '$_' failed: $DBI::errstr\n";


    CREATE TABLE atable (
        afield VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL
    ALTER TABLE atable ADD PRIMARY KEY (aafield);

    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS anothertable;
    CREATE TABLE anothertable (
        anotherfield VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL
    ALTER TABLE anothertable ADD PRIMARY KEY (anotherfield);

Note that I explicitely turn of DBI's error handling, and do the 
error handling myself (here with a simple 'warn', but in production 
code this could be more elaborate).
Note the deliberate error in the first 'ALTER TABLE' statement, which 
will be printed on the screen but will not stop the program.


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