Timothy Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> sub GetMultiOps{
>   $ref = $_[0];
>   while($ARGV[0] !~ /^-\w$/){
>     $_ = shift @ARGV;
>     push @{$ref},$_;
>   }
> }
> ###  END  #####################
> Which should theoretically give you one array for each option and one array
> as a catch-all to use for all of the elements not associated with an option.

Yeah, that does look like a better approach, though I'm not really
catching what this bit actually does: `GetMultiOps(\@eArray)'.  Not
familiar with the syntax.  I think I see the intent though.  I'm now
thinking this might be better if used with regular Getopt::Std like:

if ($opt_e) {
   $opt_e would be the first and get shifted by Getopt::Std 
   Then trot out your sub for any others.  Resetting ARGV as you go.

I think that would allow the existing Getopt::Std to work its magic
and take care of any undesired looping you mentioned.   So really
just `while looping' away any extra args at each option.

I haven't implemented this but I think it will work and be cleaner
and less error prone.  

Your sub idea is vastly superior to if/elsing till I puke.

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