Naser Ali wrote:
> Hello Every one,


> I have attached the samples of the text files from which I am trying to
> search and compare certain pattern along with the code. I f you look at the
> text file, you will see that from the first sample, there is time value on
> line number 2,3,8, and 10 which is highlighted in blue and red and
> underlined. Line number two I always want to ignore. Line number 10 has
> always the same time as line number 8. I would like to compare the time from
> line 8 and 10 to make sure that they are the same and store it in a specail
> variable as it is, where as the time from line 3 is different and I would
> like to store it in a seperate variable as it is. The problem is that the
> time from line line no. 3 can appear on line no. 10 as in sample 2. I also
> have attached the code I have written, but it is producing some erroneous
> results. Can any one please help. Any pointers will be greatly appreciated.
> Regards
> ==================File that contains pattern  ---Sample 1
> =====================================
> 1.Executing ef_cron_job_pkg.execall ...
> 2. Ended at Tue Feb 26 01:25:09 CST 2002
> 3. Ended at Tue Feb 26 02:17:25 CST 2002
> 4. PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
> 5. Elapsed: 01:30:49.28
> 7. -------------------
> 8. 02/26/2002  02:50:15
> 9. Elapsed: 00:00:00.01
> 10. Ended at Tue Feb 26 02:50:15 CST 2002
> 11. /EFDS/LOADSMENU/operator/cron/ ended at Tue Feb 26 02:50:15
> CST 2002
> ==================File that contains pattern  ---Sample 2
> =====================================
> 1. Executing ef_cron_job_pkg.execall ...
> 2. Ended at Wed May 22 01:58:19 CDT 2002
> 3. PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
> 4. Elapsed: 01:54:04.67
> 6. -------------------
> 7. 05/22/2002 03:48:49
> 8. Elapsed: 00:00:00.01
> 9. Ended at Wed May 22 03:48:49 CDT 2002
> 10. Ended at Wed May 22 03:59:50 CDT 2002
> 11. /EFDS/LOADSMENU/operator/cron/ ended at Wed May 22 03:59:50
> CDT 2002
> ============================================================================
> =
> #!/usr/bin/perl

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

> system "cp /dev/null Cron_Dup_Stats_pl.log";
> open (logfile, ">Cron_Dup_Stats_pl.log");

The open for write will create the file if it doesn't exist and truncate
it if it does so the "cp /dev/null" is redundant.  You should _always_
check that open was successful.  Also, file handles are usually written
in upper case.

my $log_file = 'Cron_Dup_Stats_pl.log';
open LOGFILE, "> $log_file" or die "Cannot open $logfile: $!";

> print logfile "File Name            \tCRON TIME\tDUP ADDR TIME\n";
> print logfile "---------------------\t---------\t-------------\n";
> close(logfile);
> opendir(DIRHANDLE, "/export/home/aknase00/Loads_Scripts/RUN_LOADS_LOGS") or
> die "Couldnot open $!";
> #opendir(DIRHANDLE, "/export/home/aknase00/Loads_Scripts") or die "Couldnot
> open $!";
> while (defined ($filename = readdir(DIRHANDLE)) ) {
> if ($filename =~ /run_loads.*.out/) {

Your regular expression looks wrong.  Perhaps you want

> open (gbfile, "$filename");

You should _always_ check that open was successful.  Also, file handles
are usually written in upper case.

open GBFILE, $filename or die "Cannot open $filename: $!";

> @gbfile=<gbfile>;
> close (gbfile);
> $i=1;
> $j=1;

You are using $i as an array index but array indexes start at 0 not 1.

> foreach (@gbfile) {
> if ($_ =~ /^Ended at/) {
> #Ended at Thu Feb 28 02:46:43 CST 2002
> ($a,$b,$day,$day,$mday,$time,$zone,$year)=split(/\s+/,$_);
> chomp($time);

chomp is usually used to remove the newline at the end of the line.  It
is doing nothing useful here.

> print "$time\n";
> ($Ahour,$Amin,$Asec)=split(/:/,$time);
> print "$Ahour,$Amin,$Asec\n";
> $array[$i]=$time;
> $array2[$i]=$Ahour.$Amin;
> chomp($array[$i]);
> chomp($array2[$i]);

chomp doing nothing useful here as well.

> $i++;
> }
> }
> foreach (@gbfile) {
> if (/^END_TIME/ .. /[0-9][0-9]\/[0-9][0-9]\/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]
> [0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]/) {
> if ($_ =~ /^[0-9][0-9]\/[0-9][0-9]\/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]
> [0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]/) {
> ($CDATE,$CTIME)=split(/ /,$_);
> chomp($CTIME);
> ($Chour,$Cmin,$Csec)=split(/:/,$CTIME);
>      }
>   }
> }
> if ($array2[2] == $CTIME) {
>    $DUP=$array[3];
> }
> else {
>    $DUP=$array[2];
> }
> chomp($DUP);
> open (logfile, ">>Cron_Dup_Stats_pl.log");
> #print logfile "---------------------\t---------\t-------------\n";
> print logfile "$filename\t$CTIME   \t$DUP\n";
> ############################################################################
> }
> }
> close(logfile);
> close(DIRHANDLE);
> ===========================================================================

Here is some code that is _untested_ but hopefully should give you some

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

my $log_file = 'Cron_Dup_Stats_pl.log';
my $dir      = '/export/home/aknase00/Loads_Scripts/RUN_LOADS_LOGS';

open LOGFILE, "> $log_file" or die "Cannot open $logfile: $!";

print LOGFILE "File Name            \tCRON TIME\tDUP ADDR TIME\n";
print LOGFILE "---------------------\t---------\t-------------\n";
close LOGFILE;

opendir DIRHANDLE, $dir or die "Could not open $dir: $!";

while ( defined( $filename = readdir DIRHANDLE ) ) {
    next unless $filename =~ /^run_loads.*\.out$/;

    my ( $time1, $time2, $time3 );
    open GBFILE, "$dir/$filename" or die "Cannot open $dir/$filename:
    while ( <GBFILE> ) {
        # $. is the current line number. see: perldoc perlvar
        if ( $. == 3 and /^Ended at / ) {
            $time1 = (split)[5];
        if ( $. == 8 and m|^\d+/\d+/\d+/ | ) {
            $time2 = (split)[1];
        if ( $. == 10 and /^Ended at / ) {
            $time3 = (split)[5];
    close GBFILE;

    if ( $time1 eq $time2 ) {
        # if the time on line 3 is the same as the time
        # on line 8 then ??


use Perl;

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